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The movie Shawshank Redemption was one of the mot amazing movies I have ever seen. I was a little skeptical at first because from the beginning it was very graphic and more on the harsh side. Many people who have said it was such a fantastic film recommended this movie for me, so from the start I was excited to watch it. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in this movie. Tim Robbins was out in Shawshank prison for a crime he never committed. From the second he got in there, him and Morgan Freeman had an instant bond. Many people beat Tim Robbins and saw him as a threat, but as time went on, people realized he was extremely intelligent and useful. He started to help the guards and warden when they realized he was great dealing with money. As the movie progresses, you realize why Tim Robbins decided to help everyone out and towards the end everything begins to fall into place for not only Tim, but Morgan as well. This movie brought me to tears. I loved the mixture of emotions and themes throughout this movie. You truly felt a connection to these men in Shawshank prison whether they were guilty or not. The character I grew the strongest connection towards was, no surprisingly, Tim Robbins. He was an innocent man proven guilty by authorities around him. He was punished harshly when he started to learn the truth, but got even in a way that involved using his brains and not violence and that’s why the end of the movie brought me to tears. This was an incredible movie, one of my favorites, and I am happy this project finally gave me the opportunity to watch it and fall in love with it. I will recommend this movie to anyone.

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